CGPDTM News & Updates

  1. Notice regarding commencement of third year of PPH pilot program between IPO and JPO (December 13, 2021)
  2. National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM) launched (December 14, 2021)
  3. Notice of inviting application for hiring 30 Hearing officers purely on Contract basis in Trade Marks Registry (December 21, 2021)
  4. Announcement of one-week Advance training on Patent Specification (17 to 21 January 2022) (December 27, 2021)
  5. Public Notice- Patent Agent Examination- 2020(2022) (December 27, 2021)

CGPDTM News & Updates

  1. WITHDRAWAL OF PATENT APPLICATIONS (FORM 29) AND FEES REFUNDED DURING January, 2021 to March, 2021 (September 07, 2021)
  2. The JPO/IPR Training Program for FY 2021 (Training Course on Design Policy for India) (September 13, 2021)
  3. E-filing and online services of Patents have been resumed. Please use the updated URLs given on the website. (September 14, 2021)
  4. Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2021(September 23, 2021)
  5. Public Notice in the matter of Suo Motu Writ Petition (Civil) No. 3 of 2020 (In Re: Cognizance for Extension of Limitation), the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India (October 04, 2021)
  6. The employees and stakeholders are requested to take e-pledge by visiting the website (October 25, 2021)
  7. Registration open for Online training (22 to 26 November)for 2/3 day or 1 week on Patent filing, PCT, search, writing, claims, Trademark, Madrid, Copyright, Design filing, etc. (November 01, 2021)
  8. Registration open for Online one day workshop on Training on IPR Licensing and Commercialization (November 01, 2021)